Sheet metal challenge #1/3

If you’re looking to add some sheet metal to your portfolio, here’s the first of 3 exercises for you to complete. This one is simple, the last one is very complicated. If you complete all of them, you’ll have great content to add to your portfolio. Do this, and you’ll be almost ready to test for your CSWP sheet metal. The whole exercise is available to download by signing up on the Home page.

1 – Use the images as reference pictures in sketches to layout the geometry.

2 – The long side is about 124mm. Metal thickness is approximately 0.75mm. You won’t know any of the exact dimensions until later when exercise #3 is posted.

3 – This part will fit on another future piece, #3. Make sure that this part can efficiently be modified to fit when it’s time, if you want things to go smoothly. Use sketch pattern, library features and forming tools to complete this, they’ll be a necessity later.

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